
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The importance of 'Iraq for Sale'

Robert Greenwald, producer of the controversial Wal-Mart exposé film, "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price", and "Outfoxed", is making a new film "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers". This film is being funded by public donations, volunteer field producers, and will be shown by individuals/groups who purchase the film online and 'host' screenings to their groups (in homes, gatherings,etc.), in the same way the "Wal-mart Movie" was shown. (I had hosted several screenings of the "Wal-mart Movie".)

Although Greenwald has already raised over $200,000., more funding through private donations is still needed to enable the making of this important, sure-to-be-controversial film.

Here is more information about this new film, and how you can help, from Robert Greenwald:

So we have gone public with our new film Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers. It was sooner than we had thought, but given the critical nature of raising the funds now or not having the film available for the fall, the Brave New Films team decided it was better to go public. And what a great response we've had already... a thousand people have contributed over $60,000!! And if you take the time to look through the contributors, the variety, the personal dedications, the political passion jumps off the page.

View film trailer here.

I can't overstate the potential political import of having this film available as a tool in mid-September. Rick Jacobs, the Brave New Films chairman, wrote about this today on the Huffington Post

The issue of war profiteering, of profit over patriotism, of our being less safe because money that is meant for the soldiers and for the reconstruction of Iraq, is going into the pockets of these greedy corporations. We've found some incredibly brave individuals who are willing to talk on camera about what they have witnessed.

And now once more we need your help. Please take my video appeal, if you like it, if not make up one of your own. And then with a personal note send it on to your e-mail lists. Tell them about your experience as a field producer or a host, tell them about the films you've seen and screened, and the possibility with this film. And then ask them if they would sign up and contribute.

Here's the link:

Get those email lists out and fire away, we need you to distribute the fundraising, just as you have distributed the films. Thanks!

Robert Greenwald

P.S. Here's what two field producers working with me on the film had to say:

Janie: "I've loved tracking down information that in the long run is going to benefit the well-being of our troops that are placed in harms way, while at the same time being able to support them in a way that really matters, not just slapping a bumper sticker on my car and calling it a day.

Ellen: "Working on the film is a way for me, an ordinary citizen with no big political or Hollywood connections, to feel like I'm making a difference. They say that knowledge is power. This is a way for me to get knowledge and help disseminate it, too."

Before I could finish posting this, I received Robert Greenwald's latest update about "Iraq for Sale":

A big thank you to everyone who has donated to "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers." To see the credit list on the website grow longer and longer, the 2000 names, the soldiers honored, it's all just incredibly inspiring. Without all of you this film would not be possible. Thank you!!

We're about $80,000 short of our $300,000 goal and time is running out. It's critical that filming start next week so we can begin editing in June and have the film ready before the mid-term elections. We can definitely get there... with your help.

Please give $50 to make this film a reality. We'll put your name (or that of a loved one) up on the big screen, to forever stand as a testament to the thousands of people coming together to expose the war profiteers.

If you missed Jim's earlier note with the specifics on what we're doing, you can find it here:

All of us at Brave New Films and everyone working on IRAQ FOR SALE, including dozens of volunteer field producers, are poised to give this our all.

With grateful appreciation,
Robert Greenwald

P.S. Thank you for the tips. They are invaluable, so please keep them coming to

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