Report: Easter Sunday at the Henco Site in Caledonia
It is a bright, sunny day this Easter Sunday. The Six Nations People who are camped out at the Henco site in Caledonia are quiet, subdued, and not into the celebration of Easter this year. Although morale is relatively good, many feel they may be in for 'the long haul'. Hence the overall sombre mood.My son and I arrived shortly after noon in his van loaded with all the necessities we were able to collect amongst ourselves --from our immediate family and a close friend and peace-activist comrade, Gary Markle. Our contributions of bottled water, juice, canned food and bags of oranges & apples, warm clothing, blankets, paper products (plates, t.p.,), candles, butane barbecue lighters, a few toiletries, etc. were received with much thanks and appreciation.
A generator is finally up and running, although diesel fuel and propane are still much needed.
A group of students from the University of Toronto brought some supplies and were helping around the compound. Another student -- I think Sara is her name -- came by herself to help out with whatever is needed. The campsite is kept impeccable, care is taken to put trash into the large cans situated in front of the supply hut. Even the odd cigarette butt is regularly swept up.
At this particular time, the visible police presence was minimal, with a couple of cruisers parked down the road.
Ken -- a tall, friendly fellow -- informed us that OPAC (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty) was out there the other day, and dropped off a cheque. The money is definitely much needed and gratefully appreciated.
I urge groups to please take up a collection and donate whatever you are able, especially if the People are there for a long time, which at this point seems likely.
I inquired about any media presence and was informed that so far, the Canadian mainstream media blackout is still in effect, but the BBC and CNN were out and have been reporting. Thanks to the Internet, the word is spreading far and wide, and support is pouring in from all corners of the globe! The Palestinian community has been especially supportive, (Palestine House in Mississauga, Ontario, and elsewhere), as have the Quakers, the Oaxaca Indians of Mexico, and various other groups, religious and secular. Demonstrations were held in Montreal on April 13th in front of the Revenue Canada building. (See photo in previous post below.)
I was waiting for Hazel Hill or Janie Jamieson to return. Janie did, and after talking a bit, taking a few photos, looking around and exchanging good will and hugs (I'm a 'huggy' person), we said our farewells. From the pristine cleanliness of that area we headed back to litter-strewn Brampton.
We will definitely be returning as soon as we've collected another 'van-full'. We are also taking up donations from our various groups.
While there, we took note that most of the passing cars honked their horns in support. (However, a few 'nasties' couldn't resist rude finger gestures.)
From what I have seen and heard, support is growing for the plight of the Six Nations People. I wonder how long till the Government decides to pay attention and start a genuine, earnest, sincere dialogue, where all the People are represented and their voices heard. Secret 'Best Western' type meetings will not do.
(As soon as my son forwards me the photos we took today, I will upload them here.)
1 comment(s):
While I appreciate your comment, you did not leave the correct link to your site so that I could better see your point of view.
If in fact you do have a site, please leave the correct link.
I did not say the "land was stripped and bare". I said everything was clean, no litter. The entire area is pristine compared to my city of Brampton.
By "Easter" I meant that figuratively. The egg represents fertility and has been part of ancient, pre-Christian rituals celebrating Spring and rebirth. (I have many non-Christian friends who celebrate their own versions of 'Easter'.) I am too tired to articulate my point sensibly at this time...
As for your other arguments, what I have read suggests otherwise. Obviously we are seeing things differently.
In any case, thank you for your comment.
Annamarie, at
10:01 PM
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