
Sunday, August 13, 2006

AIUSA: Stop Cluster Bomb Transfer to Israel

This action alert comes from Amnesty International USA, calling for the US to stop the transfer of cluster bombs to Israel.

According to the New York Times, the United States is considering a rush delivery of cluster bombs to Israel to be used in their ground offensive in Lebanon.

We urge you to call your U.S. Senators (202-224-3121) to oppose the transfer of cluster bombs and to ask him/her to call on President Bush and Secretary Rice to halt the transfer of this indiscriminate weapon to Israel.

Given Israel's past record with cluster munitions, which scatter scores of bomblets over a wide area, Amnesty International is concerned that Israel will use these weapons in civilian populated areas, unnecessarily killing or injuring civilians.

Call your Senator today. »

Colby Goodman
AIUSA's Control Arms Campaign

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