
Friday, June 09, 2006

Media's version of Friday's events in Caledonia

This is the media's version of Friday's disturbing events at the Six Nations, Caledonia, protest site. Notice how much it differs from Kahentinetha Horn's report which appears in my previous post.
TORONTO -- Two camera operators who work for Hamilton-based CH television were assaulted Friday at the site of an aboriginal occupation.

One of the camera operators apparently had his equipment stolen during the alleged attack.

Officials at the station say the men were filming as part of the ongoing coverage of the standoff in Caledonia, Ont. where aboriginal protesters took over a housing construction site in February.

The two were positioned across the street from a Canadian Tire parking lot where a number of protestors had gathered, and were shooting generic stock video footage known as 'b-roll' when they were apparently 'rushed' and assaulted.

Read rest of this article here.

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