Toronto Rally: Stop Israel's Attack on Gaza
This action alert comes to me from the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, about an emergency rally this coming Saturday, July 8th, in front of the Israeli Consulate in Toronto, to demand Israel stop its attack on Gaza and to stand up for Palestinian human rights. Similar events will be taking place in Montreal and Vancouver.
Stop Israel's attack on Gaza
Stand up for Palestinian human rights!
Saturday, July 8
Israeli Consulate
180 Bloor Street West
(nearest subway: St. George)
Take TTC to St. George subway; walk east along north side of Bloor to 180 Bloor Street West, just before Avenue Road.
Muslim Unity Group - Toronto is calling on all those who support peace and justice to join an emergency rally this weekend to stop Israel's attack on Gaza and to stand up for Palestinian human rights.
Since Tuesday, June 27, Israel has laid siege to Gaza by bombing bridges, electricity and water stations and other vital infrastructure, thereby cutting off two-thirds of the Palestinian people from electricity, water and the basic necessities of daily life. As a result, a wide-scale humanitarian disaster is already underway.
In addition, Israel has arrested at least sixty-four Palestinian
Legislative Council members, city mayors, cabinet ministers and law-makers - a clear violation of international law. On Wednesday this week, the Israeli security cabinet met to approve an escalation of its attack and a partial re-occupation of Gaza.
Israel's most recent assault on Gaza is part of a months-long siege of the Palestinian people that began when Western governments, including Canada, cut all aid to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the free and democratic election of Hamas. Shamefully, Canada has still not restored any funding to the Palestinian Authority despite the increased suffering of the Palestinians and widespread pleas for support from international humanitarian organisations.
Israel's actions can only be described as war crimes, especially its policies of collective punishment. Join us to condemn this vicious attack on the Palestinian people and to demand that humanitarian aid be restored immediately. Saturday's rally is supported by members of Toronto's Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities as well as peace, social justice and solidarity groups. Similar events will take place in Montreal and Vancouver.
Organised by:
Muslim Unity Group - Toronto
Endorsed by:
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation
Canadian Arab Federation
Al-Awda - Right of Return Coalition
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
For more information, please contact:
Ahmed Motiar, Muslim Unity Group - Toronto: 905-764-8649
Naomi Binder Wall, Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation:
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid:
Muslim Unity Group - Toronto
A city-wide coalition of Muslim organisations, Islamic centres and mosques representing more than 350,000 Muslims from a variety of ethnic, cultural and linguistic communities across the Greater Toronto Area
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
TCSW is Toronto's city-wide anti-war coalition, comprised of more than fifty labour, faith and community organisations, and a member of the Canadian Peace Alliance. 416-795-5863
Tags for this entry: Toronto, Muslims, justice.
5 comment(s):
There can be no peace in the middle of a war and the war between Israel and the Arab world is ongoing. If Germany laid claim to its former lands in contemporary Poland there would be no peace in Europe. And if Turkey laid claim to its former lands in the middle east, there would be no peace. But since people in the middle east are in the midst of a war it is necessary to blame the other for the absence of peace and to seek a justice that effectively excludes the other. One can doubt this leadership in the face of a looming nuclear catastrophe. What justice in the land of the prophets one day after apocalypse! Well what if there is a winner. So the pace on the road to hell doth quicken.
Anonymous, at
12:15 AM
Indeed. Thanks for your comment.
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Anonymous, at
8:29 AM
We can probably agree that peace in the Middle East is of primordial importance on the planet today.
However, I do not agree with you that Israel is committing war crimes. How can those living in Israel, the sole democracy in the region, be expected to live in peace while they are constantly being bombarded with rockets aimed to kill them? Oh, please do not tell me that this is legitimate "resistance," a sick euphimism employed by terrorists. And do you also love the explosive belts being sported by palestinian babies (thrown onto them by their sick parents during protests)? Can you explain why, during this "peaceful" protest, there were some carrying signs that read: The myth of 9/11 is a pretext to war in Iraq, blah blah blah....
And you expect any moral thinker in the free world to take the protest seriously?
Annamarie, go to Sderot in Israel, learn what it is like to live in the sole democracy in the region while everyone around them seeks to destroy Israel.
How would you react if those in, say, Buffalo, were bombarding Toronto with rockets on a daily basis?
Ultimately, shame on you.
Anonymous, at
6:47 PM
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