
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Bush Library - 'Scraping to Fill the Shelves...'

In his op-ed piece, Boston Globe columnist Derrick Z. Jackson writes about the difficulties of filling the Bush library, since Bush's misdeeds, blunders, fiascoes far outnumber any of his positive accomplishments. Indeed, if the truth will not be told, then what will Bush's library hold?
"Bush himself is already telling the story that will be told. In January, he told CBS's Bob Schieffer, ''I would like to leave behind a legacy or a think tank, a place for people to talk about freedom and liberty and the de Tocqueville model, what de Tocqueville saw in America."

However, the truth is more like this:
"It is hard to see what you would display behind glass other than a Texas Rangers baseball from Bush's days as a part owner of the team. Certainly the curators would not dare display the flight suit Bush wore on the USS Abraham Lincoln on ''Mission Accomplished" Day, when he declared combat operations over in Iraq, only to see the occupation become mission impossible.

Jackson further writes that "....In the Bush library, you will certainly see no monuments to his struggles against the will of the people, not to the hanging chads of 2000, nor to his claim that he has the authority to ignore more than 750 laws that have been passed since 2000, a fact recently uncovered by the Globe."

Read full article here.

No wonder that The Boston Globe is my favourite amongst the mainstream media publications. At least this paper has a few columnists and reporters who are not afraid to open their eyes, uncover some truths and tell us about them.

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