Where does Canada Stand?
"Social security has been gutted, taxes on the rich lowered; we are slowly sliding into a two-tiered health care system; we have given away control of our energy supplies [to the U.S.], and water may go the same route...
"Now the push is for deep integration--the effective erasure of the border between Canada and the Lnited States--which will affect everything: the economy, social programs, the environment, even democracy itself...
"But even as the business elites gather their forces to eliminate all meaningful distinctions between life in Canada and in neoconservative America, an emerging civil society in Canada and all over the world is challenging the juggernaut of free-market fundamentalism...
"The world has some very serious problems that need to be addressed. Canada must decide if it is going to forge deeper economic, social, foreign policy, and resource ties with the world's superpower under its most aggressive government in modern history, or if it is going to stand with moderate countries and peoples around the globe to form a counterweight. The world will take note of what Canada decides."
- Maude Barlow in Too Close for Comfort.
February 2006
Canadian Action Party
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