The Delusional Meaning of War
"In military state capitalism, military activities—building and operating armed forces and their industrial base—is the primary activity of government". -Seymour Melman, 1991
Any coherent meaning for modern warfare is a delusion. The costs and consequences of violence with the current technology of weapons systems should make war obsolete. It is an exercise in necrophilia for the earth and all life forms. The war in Iraq points to the progress of destruction for the U.S. Empire. Seymour Melman, late of Columbia University has written extensively on the evolution of military state capitalism and the permanent war economy which underlies some rationale for the empire pursuing war. Militarists like war because wars remind people they need militarists, military leaders and a war machine. Only with war and waste can the continuity of the military industrial machine be rationalized. The permanent war economy becomes justified by war even as the damage and death caused by war makes it insensible
“fascism may come to America in the name of protecting Democracy from its enemies.”
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