Anti-War Media Activism!
This is from, calling for a nationwide media protest against three years of media collusion and misinformation, on March 20-21. Various events are planned, including media forums and film screenings:
Dear colleagues, friends, collaborators and folks we admire,
We are writing to invite you and your organization to join and United For Peace and Justice on March 20-21 in media activism concerning the War in Iraq, as we protest three years of media collusion and misinformation.
We don’t have to tell you how awful the media coverage has been - jingoism has replaced journalism. The media helped sell the war and its reporting hasn’t changed much since its celebration of “shock and awe.”
For the first time, America’s leading anti-war coalition is taking on the media -- and we want you to be part of it. We need to press the press and move the media to Tell The Truth About The War.
It is time to encourage anti-war activists to also become media activists and challenge disgraceful propaganda posing as news. MediaChannel has been asked to invite media activists and groups to take a stand with us on this central, but often downplayed, war-related issue.
We are planning media forums and film screenings nationwide on March 20th. We are planning a forum in New York — venue to be announced — and want all media groups to take part in a teach-in and speak out on the issue. Your suggestions and help in planning and organizing events are welcome. We will be urging anti-war groups to mount similar events on that day nationwide.
On March 21, we will take action, launching an email campaign to media outlets and organizing meetings with news executives to confront them directly with irrefutable evidence of media complicity with the war and demands that it be ended. We will also honor the journalists killed in Iraq. (More have died in this war than in all of the Vietnam War.)
We are planning a mid-day mobile march on the headquarters of media outlets in New York and are looking to mobilize people to demonstrate at their local media offices nationwide. Long time media activist Priya Reddy has volunteered to coordinate this initiative that has the full support of United For Peace and Justice. (Contact:
Media mea-culpas are not enough, we want persistent and truthful coverage of the war, the deaths and casualties on all sides, and the work of the peace movement. We want to end the cover-up and demand media responsibility.
Will you take this stand with us and engage in this first of a kind national media protest day?
For more information visit:
The MediaChannel Team,
Danny Schechter,
Rory O’Connor,
David DeGraw,
Olivia Quinto ,
Priya Reddy,
Laila Mekkaoui,
And the 5000 people who endorsed our Tell The Truth campaign
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