
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Peace is the Way: Bringing War and Violence to an End

There is a wonderful talk for you to hear on your computer. You can listen to it on your own though it may be better to listen to it with a friend, neighbour or family member; I listened with my brother quietly over morning coffee. This talk lasts about 35 minutes followed by a question and answer period. In other words, about the same amount of time as it may take to watch the evening news, tidy up a room, or chat over coffee. Because it's on the internet you can even listen online at the same time as a loved one far away and then discuss the talk afterwards. I think that you'll find this talk truly worth your while. I strongly urge you to listen... -- Annamarie

The talk is entitled "Peace is the Way: Bringing War and Violence to an End". It can be found at the Emissary Of Light website,

by selecting "Peacemaking Forum" on the left side and then clicking on "Peace is the Way".

* This website, Emissary of Light - The Beloved Community, is a wonderful site, very worthwhile to bookmark, and return to often.

** Thank you Brian, from Halton Peace Network, for sending me this wonderful information and link. Much appreciated! -- Annamarie

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