
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bush Administration and Security / More News from BuzzFlash

BuzzFlash provides honest commentary today in introducing today's digest articles. Here, Buzz asks some valid questions about national security under the Bush Administration, questions every American should be asking. He also has an interview with Larry Beinhart, author of "Wag the Dog", a book review, and more interesting articles. Read on....

"We know this is heretical to say, but we are concerned about the national security of America, so here goes. Isn't it mighty coincidental that when Bush hits rock bottom in the polls, Al-Qaeda suddenly launches a terror attack or the Bush Administration issues an alert? I mean either they need each other to strengthen their political positions, or the Busheviks are being outsmarted by the terrorists at every turn, even with the torture thing going on at full speed ahead.

Don't we need an administration that can outsmart the terrorists and protect our CIA operatives, instead of the other way around?

Isn't that what we need for our national security? Because, right now, we have an inept administration that leaves us more vulnerable with each passing day."

Read further...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Jack Abramoff asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of Gabon to arrange a meeting with Bush. And the meeting happened. Is Bush the next to fall from the Jack scandal?

A BuzzFlash Interview: Larry Beinhart, Author of "Wag the Dog," Explores 'Fog Facts' - the Vital Facts That Just Get Lost in the Spin

Get the Just Released "Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power," by Mary Mapes. This was a book that reportedly was almost kept from publication because it reveals how the corporate media so cravenly accedes to the demands of the Bush Administration.

House Republicans, after long hours scrounging for votes to pass their five-year budget that takes from the poor and continues to enrich the bloated wealthy, Wednesday night dropped a provision that would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. 11/10

Report: "The Qaeda group led by America's deadliest foe in Iraq on Thursday claimed bombings that ripped through luxury hotels in Jordan's capital and killed 57 people." You Know, If This is True, We Need a New Team Fighting Terrorism. Because the Terrorists Seem to Outsmart the Busheviks at Every Turn, Don't They? We Need Leaders Who Can Protect Our National Security, Not Undercut It with Their Incompetence.

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