
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

BuzzFlash Outrage Against Bush's Crimes / Headlines

** Note: The introduction to yesterday's BuzzFlash headlines -- which I receive daily in my inbox -- was so good, voicing its writer's impassioned outrage and evocative imagery, that I wanted to share it with readers here. So I quickly dashed off a letter asking Buzz for permission to repost. His reply just came in. Here's Buzz's astute and succint answer: "repost whatever you want up in Canada. Canada is a nation of sanity and good will in a world gone mad. buzz"

Hence I am now reposting this intro in its entirety, along with the rest of the headlines contained in the email alert, which are well worthwhile reading. BuzzFlash's interpretations are uniquely honest and deserve kudos! I enjoy them immensely, and I am sure you will too!

Also, please inform your friends, family members and pro-democracy advocates of BuzzFlash FREE alerts at: If you are not yet a suscriber, I urge you to subscribe. BuzzFlash is one of the most honestly unabashed voices on the web. -- Annamarie

"As for today's news, we have the Orwellian -- actually, beyond Orwellian -- Bush claim that his administration doesn't torture people (despite all proof to the contrary), but that he needs Congress to let him and his Cheney Busheviks continue torturing people. We guess the people in "What's the matter with Kansas" who support these psychotic Republicans are nodding their heads and muttering, "makes good sense to me."

It shows that we're not just leaving lots of children behind; damn, we've left boatloads of adults behind in the brain game.

On top of that, there is now proof of what we've long suspected and commented on. The Busheviks are performing crimes against the Iraqi civilian population as bad or worse than the ones that the Busheviks keep using to justify their invasion of Iraq: i.e., Saddam gassed some of his own people (with Rumsfeld's nod and wink and the rest of the Republican administration at the time). If these aren't war crimes, what are? How can we continue to allow the barbarians to rule in the White House?

Who will perform fellatio on Bush and Cheney so that we can get them impeached? William Kristol is a good candidate.

This has gotten beyond the revolting stage. We are in a parallel universe of lies, deception and macabre horror.

Who will save the good name of the United States from these horrible people? Who will protect us from the Armageddon they are precipitating to the glee of their fundamentalist base? Who will hold them accountable for their treason and treachery?

Harry Reid had one good day when he forced the Senate into secret session. Is that all we get?

Bush Declares that Al-Qaeda Suspects are So Deviant they Torture Themselves, Give Misinformation to Start Wars, and Then Kill Themselves, But the Bush Administration Has No Role In Any of It. So Bush is Continuing His Campaign, with Cheney, to Ensure that Administration Detainees Have the Right to Torture Themselves. Got It Straight? (BuzzFlash's Interpretation.)

Antiwar Sermon Brings IRS Warning; All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena risks losing its tax-exempt status because of a former rector's remarks in 2004. This is such hypocrisy, when right-wing taliban like Falwell and Robertson spend every waking moment campaigning for their Bush boy.

The Independent reports on US chemical weapon attacks in Iraq: Victims' "skin has been dissolved or caramelised or turned the consistency of leather." That's the freedom we brought to Iraq. Where's the "liberal" New York Times? They buried a story on Sunday about how the Bushevik pre-war claims about Iraq were largely based on a discredited faker who had been tortured to say what Dick Cheney wanted him to say? 11/8

Enough of Bushevism? End Corruption, Cronyism and Incompetence, Support (You can even send an old-fashioned check.)

"You need to be aggressive to get the information you want, but if you treat people inhumanely, they're just going to tell you what they think you want to hear," he said. "They'll do anything just to get the mistreatment to stop, so you get nothing from mistreatment." 11/8

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