An Iraqi Withdrawal From Iraq
This article by Dahr Jamail (Iraq's Dispatches) was first published on today. For the sake of expediency, I am reposting it here in part, with a link to the remainder. Dahr's compelling article is about the exodus of Iraqis desperate to flee the violence and utter chaos in their riven, ravaged country.Dubya and his war-hawk neocons turn blind eyes to the devastating effects their illegal war is having on Iraqis. They see only the fortified Green Zone. Perhaps they don't mind the Iraqis fleeing their own country, for then it will be easier for the US to completely take over the spoils, and get down to the business of why they are really there in the first place: oil -- the black gold needed to fuel America's military-industrial complex and the gas-guzzling SUV's of that country's citizenry.
Yes, there is a withdrawal from Iraq, but it is not the US/Coalition troops. The only people withdrawing from Iraq are the Iraqis...
By Dahr Jamail
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Wednesday 28 June 2006
Recent days have found a media feeding frenzy at the trough of the "National Reconciliation" plan by the US puppet "prime minister" of Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki. This "plan" was clearly a political move orchestrated from within Pentagon and State Department circles in preparation for the upcoming November mid-term elections in the US and has effectively changed, on the ground in Iraq, approximately nothing.
Broadcast by the corporate media and lapped up by US politicians and other groups, the day after it was announced the "plan" had its key element - that of granting amnesty for resistance fighters, removed. Apparently, the "plan" aimed to show some sort of political progress in Iraq.
It is amazing to witness that people, even many within the anti-war movement in the US, seem willing to believe anything presented by Maliki, including this "plan." A man who was inserted into his position after Jack Straw and Condoleezza Rice visited Baghdad in order to brush Jaafari, the prime minister chosen by the supposedly-elected Iraqi parliament, aside. Do we need any clearer evidence of who pulls the strings of Maliki?
Click here to read rest of this article.
Dahr Jamail is an independent journalist who spent over 8 months reporting from occupied Iraq. He presented evidence of US war crimes in Iraq at the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration in New York City in January 2006. He writes regularly for TruthOut, Inter Press Service, Asia Times and TomDispatch, and maintains his own web site,
For more writing, commentary and photography, visit Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches website.
Tags for this entry: Iraq, Bush, oil.
4 comment(s):
and that's about the only 'real' news we get anymore...from the indies and people like you directing us to these sources.
speaking of withdrawl....laura bush reports that while geoge is pre-emptive and pre-mature while embedded, he does not withdraw quiclkly.
scout, at
12:20 AM
Hehehe! That's good! :)
Annamarie, at
1:10 AM
Interesting...I haven't heard about this anywhere else!
John Murney , at
4:16 PM
I know that Dahr Jamail is highly credible in and so are his sources.
(He's going back into that region soon.)
The MSM sites will keep quiet about this for sure, if they even know...
Annamarie, at
12:21 AM
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