
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Six Nations: Support Needed

I have received this email from an acquaintance who has recently visited the Six Nations protest site, and is giving a short update and asking for support:

"Dear Friends,

The people on the front lines at the site need our support ... please don't forget about them. Many are working 16 hr shifts and longer--people who can go to the site & take a shift to provide relief in the kitchen, first aid etc would be greatly appreciated. They also need food supplies, canadian tire money, warm clothes, etc. It's been a pretty miserable week weather wise and unfortunately a number of
Caledonia people are still rioting at them, last nite until 2 a.m. despite the barricades opening up.

I understand that there was a tragic car accident on one of the detours around Caledonia. A young girl of 15 was critically injured and took a turn for the worse last night and died. The greatest sympathy is felt for her family.

The media warfare against the Six Nations people at the site has escalated over the past 2 weeks or so blaming them for everything under the sun including car accidents on the detours. There are lots of detours and construction on the main roads of Hamilton & last year changing the 1-way roads to 2-way was no exception--and accidents occur. There is constant construction on our major highways causing huge multiple hour long stopages in traffic, accidents etc. No one riots against the construction workers. The blockades at the site were necessitated by the OPP attack at the Douglas Creek site, and the regular disgusting racist riots calling for force & violence by some of the citizens of Caledonia. In short they went up in protection from life threatening violence. The Six Nations people had no input or control over the detours that were set up, any safety precautions on these detours and they certainly can't control how people drive.

Despite this, I understand that the mood in Caledonia today is hostile in the extreme. Please do what you can to support our Haudenosaunee Six Nations friends at the site. They are in great need of our continued support.

Name with-held

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