Six Nations News Roundup
The Niagara Palestinian Assocation visited the Six Nations protest site on March 3rd and presented their flag to the clan mothers in a show of support.The parcel of land in Caledonia is one of 600 native land claims. A short history of this is given below, as well as update about the supporters at the protest site.
Thursday, May 3, 2006
Palestinian Flag Raised in Support of Caledonia Native Land Claims Dispute.
Representatives of the Niagara Palestinian Association today visited the site of the first nations land claims blockade. A Palestinian flag was presented to the Onkwehonweh clan mothers, chiefs, braves and solidarity community who are camped out at the blockade. The Palestinian flag was raised by the head of security, a native from New York, and a young brave. It looks beautiful flapping in the sky on the same pole below the proud Mohawk flag. Palestinian hattas or scarves, a universal symbol of resistance, and food were given as gifts.
Palestinians know too well the theft of land and natural resources, daily oppression, atrocities and genocide committed against Aboriginal Peoples by colonialists at every corner of the Earth. 78% of Palestine was stolen by Jewish and international Zionists to create the state of Israel. Another 12% has been stolen for the creation of the Israeli apartheid wall. Only 10% of Palestine remains in Arab hands. And even that is occupied and controlled by Israeli military forces. Within the Palestinian land that has now been re-named "Israel", Palestinian Arabs are systematically discriminated
against and officially treated as second and third class citizens.
Palestinians have had so much taken from them, but still Israel and the US ask them to give up even more for "peace". A peace that we know will never come from Israeli hands.
The parcel of land in Caledonia is only one of about 600 native land claims currently tied up in Canadian courts. What happens in Caledonia will be a good predictor of what will happen with the other 600 claims. So it is obvious why the Onkwehonweh must protect this land. Even though the native land claim is currently being battled
out in the courts, Henco Industries a housing developer, was allowed to buy the land and to begin construction of houses.
Henco Industries removed 2 to 3 feet of soil from the areas they have started building on. Henco then illegally removed this soil from the area, which probably contains human remains and native artifacts. A native burial site has been found on an area that Henco had sectioned off as their next area for excavation. At least this evidence is still accessable. And the native cemetery has the chance of being
rededicated and preserved.
According to Hazel Hill, spokesperson for Six Nations Caledonia "this land has been the focal point where our people have gathered, are Land to which the Women, as titleholders to the land, according to our Kaianereh'ko:wa, have been protecting. The men, in accordance with the Kaianereh'ko:wa, are supporting and protecting the Women.
This same Land has been tied up in Canada's land claim process for over 20 years, brought on by the elective band council, an arm of the federal government. This legislated system, was created by the Indian Act of 1876 and was forced upon us at gunpoint in 1924 by the RCMP and repeated again in 1959. It is not a lawful government, nor is it a system which the traditional people can support or have a voice in. This is the same Land which Henco Industries has been allowed to clear, build roads and begin the construction of several homes regardless of the continued and historical position of the Onkwehonweh......"
This Six Nations dispute in Caledonia is over lands purchased by the government and given to them by an act of the Crown. In a very unusual situation, the British Crown gave the Six Nations property to Iroquois followers of Chief Joseph Brant in 1783 as a reward for fighting on the side of the British during the American Revolution.
Iroquis in New York State had lost their land under a treaty signed with the United States. As compensation they were given this huge tract of land through Southwestern Ontario, 6 miles on either side of the Grand River. Originally about 385,000 hectacres, the property shrank over time through government action and land sales to about 19,000 hecacres.
Hazel Hill continues, "We also maintain that the relationship with Crown is based on the principles outlined in the Two Row Wampum. We would travel together, each in our own vessel, on distinct and separate paths; never to interfere with the Laws of each other. Again, we abide by those principles outlined in the Two Row Wampum.
Canada has clearly portrayed the message that "might is right". When a situation of ownership is challenged, their laws allow them to continue to reap the benefits of our Land, destroy our environment, and clearly ignore the truth of the Onkwehonweh, the real people, who hold title to the Land. When challenged to provide the proof, they resort to guns and army tanks. Canada has violated the Two Row Wampum Treaty.
In it's continuing policy of Genocide, the corporation of CANADA has attempted to usurp our title. The Onkwehonweh, in and around so-called Six Nations Reserve, have now, under Kaianereh'ko:wa, State of Peace, exercised our Title and Right to the Land.
On Thursday April 20, the OPP attempted to force the Onkwehonweh off their land. In a pre-dawn raid the OPP drew guns on 16 sleeping braves. As they slept they were pepper-sprayed and woke staring down the barrel of OPP guns. All 16 natives were arrested, two requiring hospital treatment. Women were beaten, an elder man thrown to the ground while walking toward the OPP to peacefully talk to them. Others were shot with taser guns.
Hazel Hill, "The OPP, underestimated our resolve, to peacefully maintain hold of our Land."
In response to the OPP clearing the area of these 16 natives, hundreds of others entered the site and set up a more permanent camp. On the weekends thousands of natives and non-native supporters are at the camp.
1 comment(s):
Hi! Great post, madam. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the university student you met during the March 18 anti-war rally. I apologize for responding late, but I was seriously following your blog, and I wasn't able to post until now. Great post, once more. Keep up the good work!
I also made my own
blog. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed yours.
Nomad, at
5:37 PM
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