A Dialogue on Women's Representation at U of T on June 4th
Equal Voice and Women for Fair Voting
Sunday, June 4, 11-3pm
University of Toronto (specific room location TBA depending on registration)
The Ontario government has established a Citizens' Assembly to review and make recommendations for altering Ontario's voting system. This half-day forum will feature experts on women's representation and electoral systems who will highlight the key issues that need to addressed on this complex topic. Those in attendance will also be encouraged to bring their knowledge and concerns on the issue into the discussion.
Themes to be addressed include the interaction of social factors and electoral system design on women's representation, the role of parties, questions of 'demographic' representation and 'critical mass', and evidence about women's representation from around the world.
ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please register as soon as possible.
See below for program details and registration details.
10:30-11:00 Registration
11:00-11:15 Introduction
Diane Williamson, Equal Voice
June Macdonald, Women for Fair Voting
11:15-12:45 The voting system and barriers to the representation of women
Jill Vickers, Carleton
Barry Kay, Wilfrid Laurier
Brenda O'Neill, Calgary
Amanda Bittner, UBC
12:45-1:15 Snack Break
1:15-2:45 Demographic representation, critical mass and parties
Melissa Haussman, Carleton
Sheilagh Knight, Research consultant
Kiloran German, Equal Voice
Judith Mackenzie, Guelph
Michelle Dagnino, Osgoode Law School, student-at-law
2:45-3:00 Closing comments
Use this form, or register by calling 416-410-4034. Registration fee covers materials and snacks/coffee/tea.
__$10 regular or __ $5 students or unwaged
__ cheque enclosed or __ credit card # (VISA or MC) _________________________
expiry date ________________
Name ___________________________________ Email ______________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
________________________________________ Phone (day)____________________
Mail completed form to: Fair Vote Canada, 26 Maryland Blvd., Toronto, ON M4C 5C9
Or fax to: 416-686-4929
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