Will the U.S. attack Iran? An interview with Eric Margolis
In this latest newsletter from Paul Jay, Chair of The Real News, we are informed of a new interview with Eric Margolis on the developing confrontation between US and Iran.Please go to www.TheRealNews.com (formerly Independent World Television [IWT]) to see the interview.
Eric Margolis is a journalist, author, contributing editor to The American Conservative magazine and member of The Real News advisory committee. This interview is an example of the provocative analysis and opinion that will be featured on The Real News when we start broadcasting our daily news program. It is in line with our policy of featuring a broad spectrum of informed opinion and debate.
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An excerpt of the Margolis interview is below.
In the interview Margolis says:
"Anybody who says Iran is a threat to the world -- loudmouthed and aggressive as Iran has been -- is lying or they don't know what they're talking about."
"Ahmadinejad is speaking to his voters in Iran, and he's adopted what I think is an outrageous tone in his speeches, saying Israel has to be wiped off the face of the map and that the Holocaust is a myth. He looks like he's trying to push all the buttons and wave the flag -- 'Come and attack me'. But, he's talking to his voters."
"President Bush is calling for global Jihad against Iran, Afghanistan, and God knows who is next. He's fulminating to his Bible Belt constituents in the States, saying things that outrage people around the world; and Ahmadinejad is saying things to his constituents that outrage us."
"The TV that we are getting in the western world, particularly in North America, is so biased, so determined to present one particular point of view and not present others that we are getting a very distorted picture of what's going on in the Middle East, which is very often much more to do with domestic American politics than with the reality abroad."
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