Toronto Event: Eyewitness Abu Ghraib
EYEWITNESS ABU GHRAIB **A Public Forum on Iraq, the US Army, and the Anti-War Movement with Former US Army Reserve Specialist and Abu Ghraib witness, Aidan Delgado, and US War Resister, Joshua Key.
When: Saturday 1 April, 6:30pm
Where: Bahen Center, 40 St. George Street
Room 1130
Admission Free
*What is the real story of what happened at Abu Ghraib?
*What is the situation of the US military currently in Iraq?
*How are US soldiers opposed to the war organizing among returned veterans and the broader anti-war movement?
*How can we strengthen solidarity with US war resisters seeking asylum in
Join us in a public meeting with former US Army Reserve Specialist and conscientious objector, Aidan Delgado, to discuss these issues and more. Aidan served in Iraq from April 2003 to April 2004 where he was deployed in Nasiriyah and Abu Ghraib. Soon after his arrival in Iraq, he sought conscientious objector status and turned in his weapon. At Abu Ghraib, he witnessed U.S. soldiers abuse and kill Iraqi detainees. After serving his full tour of duty, Aidan Delgado was finally granted conscientious objector status and was honorably discharged.
Also speaking with Aidan is Joshua Key, a US war resister currently seeking asylum in Canada. Joshua served eight months as a combat engineer in Iraq before going AWOL. He arrived in Toronto in March of 2005, with his wife Brandi and their four young children. Asked what led him to desert, he says: "The atrocities that were happening to the innocent people of Iraq. I didn't want to be part of it. I came home and I deserted." He and his family currently live in BC.
Organized By: CUPE 3903 International Solidarity Working Group.
Sponsored by: Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG UofT),
Al-Awda Right of Return Coalition (Toronto), Arab Students Collective
(UofT), Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, International Socialists,
Islamic Society of York Region, New Socialist Group, Socialist Project,
Sumoud Political Prisoners Group, Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, War
Resisters Support Campaign, Grass Roots Anti-Imperialist Network.
For more information, please contact:
Audio Links:
Interview with Aidan Delgado on Kan Ya Makan, Toronto,
CKLN 88.1 FM January 2005:
Interview with Joshua Key:
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Very nice site! » »
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