
Sunday, February 26, 2006

John Pilger: "Put Out More Flags": The Making of Another America

John Pilger writes that Howard's Australia is increasingly resembling Bush's America. And he says: "Hicks was a drifter. In the 1990s, Hicks became a Muslim and drifted through Kosovo, then on to Afghanistan, where he was kidnapped by the Americans and sent to their concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay. Not a shred of evidence exists that Hicks fought for al-Qaeda, or is a terrorist. Yet he is to face one of Bush's "military commissions," for which torture is used to extract confessions, and there is no right to cross-examine witnesses, no presumption of innocence and no standard of proof "beyond a reasonable doubt." The Howard government has said, in so many words, that David Hicks can rot. He is a no-hoper, un-American, unaspirational. Put out more flags."

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