
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pettigrew Defeat a Warning / Preston Manning

On Monday, Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew was unseated by electors in the Montreal riding of Papineau. Pettigrew's defeat comes on the heels of a two-month campaign by Haiti Action Montreal and Le Comité Haïtien Pour Les Élections Fédérales 2006, urging Pettigrew's constituents to hold him accountable for Canada's role in the 2004 overthrow of democracy and subsequent human rights disaster in Haiti.

by Haiti Action - Read Full Story

The biggest smile on election night belonged to Preston Manning. It was his father, one-time Alberta premier Ernest C. Manning who wanted to see a re-alignment of Canadian politics along ideological lines, and wanted to lead a national party of the right. Twenty years later his son Preston Manning created it — the Reform party — and Stephen Harper left the Progressive Conservatives to work for it. Now Harper, nearly 20 years after that beginning, takes the right-wing project to 24 Sussex Drive.

by Duncan Cameron - Read Full Story

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