Bolton Testimony Revealed Domestic Spying
The NSA' clandestine spy program should have been evident during Bolton's confirmation hearings as U.S. Ambassador.In his investigative report for t r u t h o u t, Jason Leopold refers to Newsweek, and writes: "Newsweek revealed earlier this year that the NSA disclosed to senior White House officials and other policymakers at federal agencies the names of as many as 10,000 American citizens the agency obtained while eavesdropping on foreigners. The Americans weren't involved in any sort of terrorist activity, nor did they pose any sort of threat to national security, but had simply been named while the NSA was conducting wiretaps."
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t | Investigative Report
Monday 02 January 2006
" This past spring, an explosive nugget of information slipped out during the confirmation hearings of John Bolton - nominated by President Bush to be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations - that in hindsight should have blown the lid off Bush's four-year-old clandestine spy program involving the National Security Agency. "
Read rest of this article here
Jason Leopold spent two years covering California's electricity crisis as Los Angeles bureau chief of Dow Jones Newswires. Jason has spent the last year cultivating sources close to the CIA leak investigation, and is a regular contributor to t r u t h o u t.
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