
Monday, December 12, 2005

Canada Needs a Fair Voting System

"Canada has a voting system which exaggerates regionalism and threatens national unity", says Fair Vote Canada, a nation-wide citizens’ movement for fair voting reform in Canada.

President Wayne Smith forecast in an election statement that half the votes cast on January 23, 2006 will be wasted, simply because they favour losing candidates. A truly representative democracy would not scorn half the electorate every time out, he suggested.

“Parties with regional concentration of support do well under the antique, winner-take-all system of voting we still use,” said Smith, “while parties with national constituencies are marginalized by the voting system. If you’re a Liberal voter in Calgary or a Conservative voter in Quebec, well too bad for you. You’ll never elect a representative to Parliament under this system. The Bloc Quebecois hold the balance of power and the NDP do not, although the NDP have more than twice the votes. Half a million Green Party voters elected nobody in the last election.

“Most of us vote for people who don’t get elected,” said Smith, “so we end up with a government that most of us didn’t vote for.”

The next election results won’t come any closer to accurately reflecting voter intentions, he warned.

“We don’t know the outcome of this or any election,” said Smith’ “but we do know this much—there will be a fresh crop of horror stories. Millions of votes will be wasted. We won’t get the government we voted for.”

He urged Canadians to join Fair Vote Canada at www.FairVote.Ca, to educate themselves about fair voting reform, and to take action for democracy.

“During this election campaign,” he said, “individual citizens can make a difference. Meet the candidates, from all parties. Ask them to stand up for democracy and let Canadians choose a fair voting system for Canada.”

“Let’s make this the last unfair election!” said Smith.

I couldn't agree with him more. A truly fair voting system in Canada is indeed long past due. Please go to this website, and sign on! In the interest of true democracy in our country, we must stand united and let our voices be heard, regardless of the party you support. Democracy is a non-partisan, people's issue!

Bloggers of Ontario Unite!

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