
Monday, December 26, 2005

BuzzFlash Special Holiday Message and Headlines

Thanks to BuzzfFlash for today's wonderful commentary and headline links. I especially like the BuzzFlash special Holiday Message, where they answer the question: "Does BuzzFlash believe in God?" It is a sage, heartfelt, poignant message and for those of you who missed it yesterday, it is held over and republished again today. Whatever faith you do/don't profess, I suggest you read this message linked below.**

If any of the headline links below our daily commentary don't work, just go to:

" Santa's elves may be done for the year, but the Mayberry Machiavellis in the White House are still hard at work trying to amass unprecedented, UnConstitutional powers in the hands of the mediocre.

The faux propaganda diversionary non-existent "War on Christmas" is over, but we need a war of courage in defense of the American Constitution against those who would betray it -- and they are the ones who have seized America.

Liberty has its price. It's time we paid it. Our freedom is at stake. It's like the "F" students have taken control of America's strongest nation and don't plan on giving it up.

By, the way, now that Christmas is over, is Bill O'Reilly going to start a campaign that claims the "liberals are conducting a war on New Years"?

Many years ago, people like O'Reilly would just be found muttering to themselves on a barstool after a few round of drinks in a dim, shabby bar in Queens. Now, he's a star on the FOX GOP propaganda network.

If ever there was a symbol of the decline of morality and the impoverishment of our thought under the Republican tide, it's Bill O'Reilly and his female alter-ego, Ann Coulter. They are like performing bears in a circus -- without the muzzles.

Can we run this FOX Republican News circus out of town? It certainly isn't something you would take your kids to. It's definitely harmful to children, plants, and other living things, particularly democracy."

The top US military commander admitted Sunday that Iraqis wanted US and other foreign troops to leave the country "as soon as possible," and said US troop levels in Iraq were now being re-assessed on a monthly basis.

Bush has been summoning newspaper editors lately in an effort to prevent publication of stories he considers damaging to national security [excuse us, which he considers damaging to his poll numbers] -- and -- The admission by two columnists that they accepted payments from indicted Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff may be the tip of a large and rather dirty iceberg.

Companies will get federal windfalls to keep drug plans for retirees

**Held Over: Remember this and you will truly celebrate this holiday season as it should be celebrated -- a celebration of a life and love that does not live in the shadow of fear and darkness. A BuzzFlash Holiday Message in Which We Answer the Question, Does BuzzFlash Believe in God?

Chicago Tribune Conservative Columnist Steve Chapman Tells It Like It Is: "What we have now is not a robust executive but a reckless one. At times like this, it's apparent that Cheney and Bush want more! power not because they need it to protect the nation, but because they want more power. Another paradox: In their conduct of the war on terror, they expect our trust, but they can't be bothered to earn it." 12/26 * Note: If this headline link doesn't work, please go to:

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