
Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Letter from Robert Greenwald, Producer/Director of "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price"

Here is the e-mail I received the other day from Robert Greenwald, producer/director of the movie "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price". He gives the latest update about the "fear and smear campaign", which Wal-Mart has begun in earnest, about the movie and its producer. You will find links to see the trailer, and about Wal-Mart's smear campaign. If you feel strongly -- as I do -- about Wal-Mart's deplorable labour and business practices, I urge you to read this letter, then follow up on the suggested activism. You can hold a screening, which I will be doing. The cost of the movie in VHS or DVD format is a reasonable $10.00, which includes other materials you can hand out to your viewers. You will even be supplied with a website where you can send out your invitations and keep track of RSVP's. --- Annamarie

"Wal-Mart Movie Update: The Fear and Smear campaign is in high gear

Dear activists, colleagues and friends,

Well the attacks have begun, no surprise there, but the fact they are attacking so hard, so early and so personally vicious is a sign of how seriously they are treating the film. And they should, the film combined with the expose in the New York Times about their duplicity, they say one thing, they do another, should be a one two punch in the butt of corporate hypocrisy.

And we need your help, they have a high priced, expensive PR machine that is in full throttle. But we have you, so write, call, visit your local newspaper, radio, tv station. Tell them how Wal-Mart has affected you, your family, your job, your health care, your community. Tell them why you are working to host a screening and spreading the word. Show them the trailer and talk them through why Wal-Mart is DEAD WRONG. You can find all the latest on Wal-Mart's Fear and Smear Campaign here:

They just released a video smear job and backgrounder, ON THE TRAILER. And they don't even get the attacks right, claiming snowfall in Ohio proves Wal-Mart did not crush H&H Hardware. The movie is quite clear on what crushed H&H Hardware, and it's got nothing to do with snow. It's a poignant example of the Wal-Mart effect, and you'll all get a chance to see it soon.

The other two attacks on the trailer are nothing but Wal-Mart's multi-million dollar spin machine at work trying to refute very well documented facts about Wal-Mart's discriminatory practices against women and minorities, and their stubborn refusal to pay a living wage.

And now Wal-Mart wants us to take down the trailer! Send a message to Wal-Mart by sending the trailer to everyone you know, and inviting them to a screening.

This is the perfect time to counter them, quickly, strongly and completely. They are spending millions hiring expensive PR firms to fight us because they are scared out of their minds at what you can do. They are messing with the wrong folks, and lets go right back at them. Thanks for your support and your efforts. We have aleady made an impact, and it will grow.

Robert Greenwald
producer/director, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

P.S. Just 6 weeks ago, Wal-Mart's top spokesperson, Mona Williams said: "I guess we will pretty much ignore it -- because to all but a handful of anti-Wal-Mart activists, it simply will be irrelevant." Mona guessed wrong.

P.P.S. Check out some extended bonus scenes with a former Wal-Mart manager Weldon Nicholson. He talks about the culture of fear and retaliation: Confessions of a Wal-Mart Hit Man:"

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